Thursday, May 27, 2010

1/4" of height gain with Lateral Synovial Joint Loading

Here's last weeks pictures: Bone Length Increase | Two Months One Week In.  Length of lateral ankle to tibial tuberosity stayed the same at 16" while the length of the medial ankle to the medial epicondyle was 15 3/4".  My height increase from 5'9 1/4" to 5'9 1/2".  I measured up to my nose which was about 5'4" and is now 5'4 1/4".


  1. Im glad you are getting gains via LSJL. Do you think it would be possible to have you videotape a short session of yourself performing LSJL with dumbbells? thanks

  2. I find that going to the gym to do LSJL is a bit cumbersome and you get some strange looks..

    What do you think about using a doorway to apply lateral forces. Basically my idea is you put your joint at the edge of the doorframe and then use the torque of the closing door. Your interposed joint is what prevents the door from closing. I find that if I position my ankle right I can actually hit both joint surfaces at the same time, which saves time. Plus you can more easily apply pulsatile pressure.

  3. have you change the way you do LSJL since the last updated routine? how long do you spend loading one area? 30s? thanks

  4. Congrats on the gain! Have you changed anything in your original routine from two weeks ago when you didn't have a gain? I am definitely feeling sensations throughout my lower leg. I also find myself at times getting extra irritable...sounds odd, but could it be from the gluco/chodro pills or lsjl? Do you experience anything like this?

  5. I don't have the equipment to videotape myself doing LSJL.

    I tried doing LSJL using a doorway and I found I couldn't get nearly as much pressure as I could with a dumbell but if you can get all the requirements of LSJL: Trabecular microfracture, loading of articular cartilage, increase in interstitial fluid flow. Then doorway(or any other method will work).

    Still spending 30 seconds loading one area. I'm using 70lbs so I can't really tolerate more than 30 seconds.

    I've never experienced increased irritability. You shouldn't be experiencing it as LSJL mainly affects local growth plate factors. The only thing I could think of is that the gluco/chondro are affecting your liver which is throwing your homeostasis out of whack. How much are you taking?

  6. Amazing to see you're still gaining height! Well done. Are you doing anything different in your LSJL routine than the last time you posted about it? Thanks and keep up the great work, a true motivator you are sir.

  7. I'm taking 2-3 pills a day. One in the morning, sometimes one in evening and one at night before bed. Instructions say two per day w/ a meal. I noticed your ankle looks huge now! If using dumbbells, do you put anything under the side of your leg on the floor? I am doing it on the carpet, would that absorb any pressure to the loaded area and lower intensity/potency of lsjl?

  8. Your measurements are getting increasingly worse. Compare your measurement in this post with:

  9. Congrats on a very, very fascinating finding. This is something i'm definitely thinking about giving a try. Do you think there could be any possible safety issues with this? This involves the growth plates - would there be anything to worry about with this procedure? And how painful is it? just curious. Thanks in advance and keep up the amazing work.

  10. You've gained about an inch of height in just over two months doing this? Is it mostly coming from the knees, ankles, or both? Thanks again

  11. I changed the way I measured to try to be more accurate.

    It's not that painful. It is on the ankles though but I think that gives the best results. I can't prove any exercise is 100% safe. I have to hear reasons why an exercise isn't safe and try to disprove those reasons.

  12. But you can't think of any real reason why there would be any long term danger in this method, from your research? I'm just asking, because this sounds fascinating and i know that you have a lot more knowledge on the subject than i do. Thanks again.

  13. Please can you make a table with the value in time?

    Similar to this:

    ------------Total height-----Tibial------Fibular
    Week 1 --- 5'8 1/2''
    Week 2 --- 5'8 3/4''
    Week 10 5'9 1/2''

    Thanks and congratulations for the work... you are good.


  14. so if it keeps going at this rate you could be growing about 6 inches a year?

    i still dont really see any difference in the pictures myself, but i do believe in lsjl.
